Prevenative Dental Care - Newtown, Camperdown | Dental on King
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Preventative Care

Protecting your teeth and gums


Preventative care is very important to us at Dental on King. We’ll help you and your family to maintain healthy smiles for life, by looking after your oral health and protecting your teeth and gums against disease and injury.


When you make an appointment at our Sydney dental clinic, our team will thoroughly assess your individual needs using the latest technologies. If we think you could benefit from a treatment, we’ll give you an overview of your options and develop a personalised treatment plan that suits you.

We offer all new patients a free, no-obligation consultation, so you can get all the information you need about the treatments we offer and ask us any questions you have.


Book an appointment now


Oral health assessment



Regular check-ups with your dentist are an important part of maintaining good oral health. If problems can be detected early, your treatment is likely to be a lot easier, cheaper and less complex.


We recommend you make an appointment every six months so our dentists can give you a thorough oral health assessment. As well as helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, this also gives us the chance to diagnose any problems you may have at an earlier stage, such as diseases of the soft tissue, palate and jaw.


Your assessment may involve the use of radiographic analysis using dental x-rays, to help our dentists make a definitive diagnosis. We can take a full mouth radiograph (OPG) of your teeth and jaws to investigate and localise issues such as un-erupted wisdom teeth, retained roots, sinus problems and TMJ dysfunction, or smaller radiographs to look for signs of tooth decay and detect existing restorations such as crowns.

If we do spot any problems and recommend a treatment, or you want to discuss cosmetic options, we’ll help you to visualise and understand the situation using video LCD screens. We’ll also make sure you have all the information you need about procedural costs and payment plans before you decide to go through with a treatment.


Oral hygiene



Your gums and supporting bone structures are the foundation for your teeth. It’s crucial that you look after them, so they can continue to support your teeth and help you to eat, speak, laugh and smile.


At Dental on King, we emphasise four important aspects of good oral hygiene:


  • Tooth brushing


We recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice daily, using fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles that’s the correct size for your mouth.


You should brush all surfaces of your teeth in a gentle, circular motion for around three minutes. Make sure the brush reaches your back teeth and don’t forget to brush your tongue too!


  • Flossing


Your toothbrush can’t reach all surfaces of your teeth, leaving about 35% uncleaned. That’s why flossing is so important, to thoroughly clean your teeth, keep your gums healthy and your breath fresh.


Some of our patients tell us they have problems with flossing their teeth, so we’ve included an easy step-by-step guide to help:


  • Take a decent length of floss (about 40cm) and wrap it around your middle fingers, leaving 5cm in the middle.


  • Hold the floss taut with your thumbs and index fingers. Gently slide it down between your teeth.


  • Curve the floss around each tooth in turn and gently slide it up and down to the gum line. Use a new section of the floss for each tooth.


  • Healthy diet


Sugar in your diet plays a major role in tooth decay. A sugary snack between meals can launch an acid attack on your tooth enamel that can last up to 20 minutes. Acidic drinks, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, can also wear down your tooth enamel over time.


The good news is, many foods and beverages can be good for your teeth. Dairy products are great sources of calcium, while meat, fish and tofu are rich in phosphorus, and cheese contains casein, all of which help to remineralise and strengthen your tooth enamel.


We can recommend healthy food and drink options to help everyone in your family follow a tooth-friendly diet.

  • Regular dental check-ups


Visiting your dentist every six months is another essential part of good oral hygiene. We’ll help you to make regular appointments for yourself and your family, and we’ll send our a reminder when your next appointment is approaching, so you’ll have time to prepare.


Treating gum disease


If your gums look red, shiny or puffy, they bleed when you brush or floss, or you have persistent bad breath, these could all be signs of periodontal (gum) disease. This is caused by the build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, which can lead to tooth loss if it’s left untreated.


If we identify gum disease during your oral health assessment, we’ll recommend a suitable course of treatment. This depends on how far the condition has advanced.

In its early stage (gingivitis), gum disease can usually be successfully reversed by improving your oral hygiene. We can also professionally clean and scale your teeth to remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line.


If your gum disease is more advanced (periodontitis), and the gum tissue around your teeth is too badly infected, we may recommend a surgical procedure. This involves removing plaque and bacteria from below your gum before it has a chance to damage your jaw or teeth roots.




If you or your child plays contact sports or takes part in other activities that could put your teeth at risk of injury, we may advise that you wear a custom mouthguard to help protect your teeth.


To make sure your mouthguard is the perfect fit and gives you the full protection you need, we’ll custom make it by taking detailed impressions of your mouth. We’ll recommend a single, double or triple thickness mouthguard, depending on whether you play a contact or non-contact sport.

Our custom-fitted mouthguards at Dental on King are designed to be strong, long-lasting, tear-resistant, snug-fitting and comfortable to wear. Their close-fitting design means they shouldn’t restrict your speech or breathing, as can sometimes be the case with mouthguards bought from a store. We can provide your custom mouthguard in the colours of your choice, along with a box to keep it safe when you’re not wearing it.


Night guards


If you or someone in your family grinds or clenches their teeth at night, this can cause damage to your teeth over time by wearing them down, chipping fillings or leading to jaw and joint problems, such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD).

One of the treatments we offer for teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism) is a night guard or splint. These are custom-fitted mouthguards worn at night that prevent your teeth from contacting each other and help to relieve strain on your jaw and joints.


We may also discuss other treatment options during your appointment, depending on what’s causing your bruxism.





Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a chronic and serious infection of the gums, caused by dental plaque. If gum disease is left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and permanent damage to your gums and jaw.


Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, and this can usually be reversed by improving your oral hygiene. You may have gingivitis if you notice that your gums are red, swollen or bleed when brushed. If we spot the signs of gingivitis, we can also professionally clean and scale your teeth to remove plaque and tartar.


Periodontitis is the advanced stage of gum disease and is the leading cause of tooth loss for adults. If your gum disease develops into periodontitis, your gums may start to recede from your teeth, allowing plaque to spread below the gum line. As your body fights the infection, this can also destroy gum and bone tissue around the teeth and cause them to become loose.


If your gum disease is advanced, we’ll examine your mouth using x-rays and recommend the most suitable treatment. This may include scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar, or oral surgery. We’ll always explain the possible risks and side-effects involved before you agree to any treatment.


Make an appointment today

Contact our friendly team to arrange a free consultation at Dental on King. We’ll give you a thorough oral health assessment and recommend the most suitable treatments to restore your smile. Get in touch between 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

Call us on

02 9557 9299

or send us an enquiry.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.